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Incididunt occaecat et qui dolore consectetur magna. Lorem veniam ut et labore consequat ut ex sunt. Ut et nostrud aliquip do anim proident ad nulla consectetur eu aute ex anim mollit. Anim aute exercitation nisi fugiat. Dolor velit excepteur commodo proident nulla commodo ullamco labore et esse.
Many years ago, the designer Jerry Lorenzo was in Paris when he was introduced to the buyers at Barneys, the now bankrupt, then essential retailer. At the time, Lorenzo had just begun working on a clothing line he was calling Fear of God, but he didn't yet know much about how fashion houses and aspiring fashion houses operated, which is on a rigid, seasonal calendar: men's and women's collections, released only at a few agreed-upon times a year.
When he met the folks at Barneys, he eagerly offered to show them the clothes he'd created, only to find out that he'd missed his window: “They're like, ‘Well, it's not our buying calendar, currently, but we can meet you in New York in like a week or so if you just want to come show it to us.’ ” A courtesy meeting, in other words. Disappointed but undeterred, Lorenzo said: “All right.”
Many years ago, the designer Jerry Lorenzo was in Paris when he was introduced to the buyers at Barneys, the now bankrupt, then essential retailer. At the time, Lorenzo had just begun working on a clothing line he was calling Fear of God, but he didn't yet know much about how fashion houses and aspiring fashion houses operated, which is on a rigid, seasonal calendar: men's and women's collections, released only at a few agreed-upon times a year.